Just kidding about the giving up, although I must say I was very close to doing it today.
zondag 23 augustus 2009
Day 18 - Short review - I give up ='(
Just kidding about the giving up, although I must say I was very close to doing it today.
vrijdag 21 augustus 2009
Day 16 - Adapting, but not flawlessly
Today I'm 16 days into an uberman schedule. I can see that I'm
adapting, not feeling like a zombie anymore but very sometimes.
I have a little issue with micronapping though. Especially when I'm
doing things like watching movies, or sitting on the train, etc... I
often find myself waking up from a sleep that could have been at least
one second and at most 10 minutes. Now this morning I had something
that never happened before. I woke up from my 4am nap, walked around a
bit, not feeling very tired at all. I took somethign to eat and
started watching an episode of a drama I'm watching. Next thing I know
is that I wake up from my 8am nap. When I check my memory, I was not
very tired at all when watching this drama, and tracing back in it, I
remembered the first 20 minutes very clearly, and everythign after
that I'm pretty sure that I haven't seen before. So somehow I became
unconscious quite suddenly, and I sleepwalked to my bed, because when
I woke up at 8.20, I was in my bed. (wearing all my clothes though)
I don't remember myself standing up after 20 minutes in the drama, nor
any reason to do it. Also there should have been no reason at all to
lie on my bed, I'm very strict about not laying down in my bed except
for nap time...
I'm wondering 1) if this is common, and it's also just something that
I have to get over, and 2) will I be able to adjust even though I
might oversleep for a few hours every 5 days of so.
dinsdag 18 augustus 2009
Getting there, but not quite yet
The weekend was a big test for me. Saturday was the day that my performance was scheduled with my amateur rockband. I had hoped that when I started the sleeping-experiment, that I would be mostly adjusted by this day, but that hypothesis wasn't either the case. On top of this, I still had to write a few pages for my bachelor's thesis, the last puzzle piece to get my bachelor's degree. The deadline for it was monday, so tired or not tired, the weekend was going to be pretty active either way. The rockperformance was a challenge, but I had been looking forward to it for quite a while, so it didn't really give me a lot of additional stress. The bachelor paper that had to get finished on the other hand, certainly did O_o. I was already feeling kind of tired before the performance on saturday. We had a last repetition at 2pm, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to get my 4pm nap. I ended up sleeping for a few minutes, lying in the sun outside while we were chilling. I was lucky that the performance was already at 5 o clock. That's around the most active time of the day for me on this rhythm, so I didn't feel sleepy. I was actually feeling somewhat overly active during the performance, and even though I was highly sleepdeprived, I was able to give the best that I have. Looking back at it now, I have no idea where I got all the energy from. I have a good afterfeeling about it anywayz. After the performance I got really tired, had to take my 8pm nap a little bit inconveniently again inside a driving car. Sunday was a bigger challenge. Even though I felt dead tired all day long, I still had to finish that paper. I finished it at monday morning. Together with handing in my paper at my university, a big weight fell from my shoulders.
I started dreaming again in my naps too yesterday, and the sleep I'm getting from it feels very energizing. If my naps stay like this, I can imagine that I can really start regaining all that spent energy from them. The only thing that I gotta watch out for, are all the hidden ninja's hiding in the shadow of sleep. Somehow, together with dreams, comes also a type of sleep sometimes that's very hard to wake up from, and this morning I slept a straight hour while my alarm was buzzing. It were my parents that woke up from it that saved me. The next coming week will be very key. Firstly I hope that oversleeping for an hour hasn't set me back again. If not, I have the feeling that if I can somehow make it though this week, I will probably have the tough moments behind my back, and making this sleeping rhythm really work systematically will only be a matter of days. Apart from making plans that tackle my oversleeping-issue, I'm not really planning a lot of stuff. I just want a few relaxing days, where I don't have anything or anyone that needs my attention, so I can focus all my willpower on bringing this to a good end.
vrijdag 14 augustus 2009
Crosspost: Revolutionary stuff going on here
Now, for the main part of this post, something pretty awesome happened, and I made a post about it earlier on the google group of polyphasic sleep, and since I don't really feel like typing it all over in a blog format, I'm just going to copy/paste. It's pretty dang amazing either way.
I was so extremely pleasantly surprised when I noticed this. I am now
about to enter day 9 of Uberman. Just a few minutes ago, I became
conscious of something that's pretty against what you would think
would happen to a sleep-deprived person.
To my great astonishment, I noticed that a few chronic skin conditions
that I have are gone without a trace in some locations, and in the
process of disappearing in other locations.
For example I had a light chronic form of hives for 2 years now, and I
suffered from it about once a day usually when just waking up, or
undergoing sudden temperature changes. In the past week, I haven't
experienced it even once!
I also have a pretty rough skin overall and also a light form acne on
my arms, back, face and neck. I was standing under the shower this
morning, and I very randomly noticed that my skin felt really
different to the touch than usual. I noticed that my nose for example,
where I've had very light acne in a chronic way since I was 13 years
old or so, was COMPLETELY smooth, without a trace of the acne that
I'de been having for the past 9 years. I started feeling my arms and
back, and they felt like I was touching a girl's skin, so perfectly
smooth, and most places had no sign of roughness or acne AT ALL
Has anyone else on Uberman experienced this?
I consider this kind of weird, because one would think that your
health would suffer from being sleep-deprivation. My intuition tells
me though, that it is because of the increased consciousness that I
have now I am doing Uberman. I feel like my meditations for example
are on a completely other level when I'm on uberman than before, that
I'm having an energy vibration incomparable to what I usually have. I
have done energy work before, and I have a basic certificate of energy
healing from doing a weekend course on it. From that background, a
metaphysical background, it's easily explained why my healing rate has
gone to extreme levels now I'm on uberman. More consciousness equals a
higher vibration of energy particles. The principle of energy healing
is that when you create a high energy vibration near a body part that
you want to cure of a client or yourself, it will start healing faster
than normally. I do feel like my whole body is vibrating on a higher
level since I started doing Uberman, and I think that might explain
this phenomenon. Since I'm only in the adjustment period of Uberman,
I'm waiting eagerly to what other stuff will happen to me further on
the road.
donderdag 13 augustus 2009
War against unconsciousness
I had my first big slip today. Yesterday I ended my post, asking myself if it was coincidence that at the previous day I had very vivid dreams at the 4AM nap, and at current day, I had them again at the 4AM nap. I think it's no coincidence. Yesterday I overslept 30 minutes in my 8AM nap. Today I overslept for 4 hours, being lucky that I had set up my first alarm not only to go off for my 8AM nap, but also for my 12AM one. The 12AM one saved me this time. Strangely enough, I was still semi-sleepwalking when I woke up from the 12AM one, taking a shower without thinking about anything really and only became conscious when I was gettign out of the shower and that's when I realized that I had overslept.
There is still hope though. I'm not going to give up from just one slip-up. I believe what my mind's throwing at me is it's last line of defense, and even though it will be tough getting past it, with a good method of keeping myself from doing this again, it is possible I believe. Firstly, I can set up my first alarm to go off at 4 differnt times, and I will set up all of those alarms between waking up time and every 5 minutes after. I will also wrap a few bags around my second alarm. It's a very annoying sound, so I hope getting the bags from it reminds me that it's time to get conscious now. Also, my parents will get home from holiday today. I am pretty sure that 'my mommy (^_^)' will help me by waking me up / asking me what 5158+849 is, to make sure that I'm really conscious.
When things continue as they do, my naps every day should be happening in a parallel way. I should get a nap with REM sleep at 4AM, I should be getting another type of sleep in the 8AM one, which has to be a phase where I'm most unconscious. I've never had any trouble at all with my noon, 4PM and 8PM naps, and I don't really expect trouble there, even though I'll take the necessary precautions anyway.
I believe that if I can get this phase, I will succeed. I think if I can get past week 2 without slipping it up again, I'll be pretty safe, but first things first, getting through week 2 will maybe have more challenges.
Confusion attack + Altered consciousness
Today without doubt the weirdest day of the week, holding some of the weirdest mind-trip I ever had.(and I've had my fair share already tbh) My educated guess is that my mind wanted to surprise me with something entertaining to celebrate my one week into uberman. This is what happened:
4AM (wednesday 12 aug, aka yesterday): Had my first real dream-nap (as described in last post) My mind surprised me for first time, by making 15 minutes seem like hours.
8AM: I went to nap like any other time, and maybe I was getting a little bit too confident about uberman, because he made it quite clear that uberman's not someone to take lightly after all. I'm afraid I can't go into accurate description, because my memory completely fails me on this one. I don't know what woke me up, but for reason it was 30 minutes later than it was supposed to be. I had slept for 50 minutes, so I overslept 30 minutes. The most logical way that it could have happened is like this: My alarm went off at 8:20, I sleepwalked out of my bed to put it off, and I went in my bed again. It's a total riddle to me though, because I'm very sure that I put that alarm on. It's a pretty damn loud alarm, so I think it's improbable that I slept through it. (it keeps on going for 10 minutes)
Lucky I have my second alarm, although for some reason I can't remember that it was that waking me up, since it's kinda illogical that I woke up 50 minutes in the sleep, when I put my second alarm on 25 minutes. (5 minutes after my first alarm)
Anyway, I don't know how it happened, but when I was conscious of it, it was 8:50. This is pretty weird for me, because I've never experienced unconscious actions and memory loss like this before. I don't really care so much that I overslept for half an hour. It's the first time that I oversleep in my schedule, and it's not a rediculous amount of time. Although I did feel tired after this 50min nap, I don't feel like it will have much of an influence on the overall progress to adjustment. The thing that surprises me the most when I read blogs and reports of people trying uberman, is that they all have big problems with oversleeping for several hours, and they all say that they had no control over it. I think I've had an episode of this, although I already came up with a tactic to tackle it if it would happen again in the future. I'll put a small container of eyedrops on my first alarm, so I have no choice to encounter that in my waking-up process. I hope that even when I'm unconscious, it might bring me to consciousness just taking the eyedrops off the alarm before putting it off. Hopefully it will trigger me to put some eyedrops in, which is a sure awakencall, because they sting on the eyes very strongly. Because I haven't said anythign fancy for quite a while, I'll do that now. This brand of eyedrops is actually kind of unique. In Japan, people put in eyedrops as part of culture when they feel like their eyes are getting tired. I got the ones I use from a Japanese female friend, while I was there. She thought the way how I put eyedrops in my eye, and how I reacted to them, pretty hilarious for some reason, so she bought me the strongest type of eyedrops that's available on the market. They're kind of notorious, because people from Japan put them on ebay and sell them abroad. It's a very good ally anyhow.
woensdag 12 augustus 2009
Hacking my own brainz: Great Succes!
maandag 10 augustus 2009
The original Uberman video, before it was called uberman
zondag 9 augustus 2009
Day 4 renamed - Day of Rebirth
Day 4 - Day of the zombie
56 Hours in - Staying strong - Trippy side effects naps
Hi folks, tonight is my third night of the experiment, and I'm preparing myself mentally for the truck that's going to hit me somewhere between 4.20 and 8am. Even though chances are pretty high that it's going to hit me hard tonight, I am prepared for it like a soldier laying silently in the long grass, knowing that something dangerous will come pretty soon, but confident that whatever happens, I will prevail against anything that's coming at me. At the moment I'm in a pretty dreamy state. Not extremely alert, but no pressing exhaustion that's urging me to fall asleep. I'm getting more and more used to the naps. Probably because of a mix of factors, I'm falling asleep pretty quickly. Last nap, falling asleep was pretty special. Normally I have a pretty hard time falling asleep when laying on my back, but I know out of experience when I do fall asleep on my back somehow, the quality of my sleep is better.
zaterdag 8 augustus 2009
First obstacle succesfully dodged
I woke up at 12.20 noon today, feeling pretty fresh, put on some clothes, and took train to Kortenberg, the town where we do our repetitions with our band. Although I was kind of drowsy during the train ride, sometimes wondering wether those strange random thoughts in my head were microsleeps of a single second, or just mere daydreaming. (things started to relate in my head that were completely 100% unrelated)Seeing some people gave me a lot of new energy somehow. I just felt normal, even more energetic than usually at repetitions. My sound quality wasn't really to write home about, but it's kind of to be accepted that my voice suffers a bit when being deprived from sleep. I just caught my train back at 4pm by seconds, and took my nap on the train. It wasn't that succesful of a nap, being split up in a few 1 minute naps, a few 2 minute naps and one of 5 minute, which was the one that was responsible for missing my stop =P. No worry though, it's not that I was in a
Because I'm very much into personal development overall, I know a few random things that might give an answer to it. I'm actually a pretty active meditator, meditating an hour of active meditation a day since about 6 months ago. For that purpose I'm using Holosync technology, it's a system where you put on an audiotrack on headphones while you meditate, and by sending differen
by the way, I fixed time format of the blog \o/
Introduction Stanford Sleepiness Scale
Degree of Sleepiness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Scale Rating
Feeling active, vital, alert, or wide awake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Functioning at high levels, but not at peak; able to read a book and have a conversation - - - 2
Awake, but relaxed; responsive but not fully alert - - - - - - - - - - 3
Somewhat foggy, let down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Foggy; losing interest in remaining awake; slowed down - - - - - - - 5
Sleepy, woozy, fighting sleep; prefer to lie down - - - - - - - - - - 6
No longer fighting sleep, sleep onset soon; having dream-like thoughts 7
vrijdag 7 augustus 2009
40 hour Mark - Feeling surprisingly comfortable
Good things have happened since my last update 16 hours ago. To be honest, I wasn't too certain anymore about this while I was writing. I was feeling so damn tired already, only one day far. Before I took my nap at 8am this morning, just after I had written the 24h mark update, it was probably the only time since the start of this challenge that I had some trouble staying awake. Lucky for me, things got better again. I woke up at 8.20, feeling strangely better. I got into the shower, and that really got me awake again. I'm at my parents house at the moment, although my parents are gone to Norway for a few weeks. I have no clue whatsoever when they're coming back to be honest. Up to a week ago, I had my own appartment in Leuven, but I moved out of it because I'm planning on moving to Japan from the 1st of october. No solid plans yet though, I don't even have my plane ticket yet, but it'll work out somehow, like it usually does.
First 24h finished
After 24 hours of little to no sleep, since I've only been getting microsleeps in my naps on the first day, I'm starting to feel a little tired.